We are a registered NGO in Thane city of Maharashtra, India. It originated in Thane city as a group of women, primarily housewives, working for social causes. Now it has spread wings across Maharashtra and homemakers as well as working women participate with equal enthusiasm in the cause. Donation of grains to various NGOs across Maharashtra is our primary initiative.

Our Story

“Somewhere along the way, we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.

You do not always have to make it big but you do need to make an impact. A thought that struck a chord with our founder Ujwala Bagawade. Since decades a burning fire to do something for the society has been kindling within her.
Follow the below links to know about us in detail.

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Grain Bank Concept Initiative

Grain Bank Concept is our primary initiative.

As we set out on its journey to make a world a better place in its own little way, we have witnessed the work done by many NGOs across the state.

In the initial days, we worked with Shantivan, a foundation set in Arvi village in Beed, set up by Deepak and Kaveri Nagargoje.

We also worked with Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation an NGO,established by Dr Bharat Vatwani (Magsaysay Award Winner, 2018), that aims to find, restore and reunite, the mentally ill destitute, back with their families.

Know More About Grain Bank Initiative
As an organization is extremely vigilant when it comes to NGO associations. The donations, in any form, are extremely valued and it is made sure that this aid is received by NGOs with credibility.

Know About NGOs We Support

Grain Collection at Schools and Events

We encourage younger generation to join hands for the cause. Children, parents and staff from various schools have supported us wholeheartedly and helped to reach out to various NGOs.

View Our Activities at Schools
We participate at cultural events / functions / carnivals, be it a fair or exhibition or cultural event at society complex. We get great support from the citizens at such events.

View Our Activities at Events

Awards and Recognition

Our Work has been recognized by various sections of the society.
Visit Awards Gallery

Come, Join Us For Cause

“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.”
–Stephen Covey

There are two ways in which you can be a part of cause of grain donation.

You can become a volunteer and help us connect with more people Or
you can give your donation in cash / kind by becoming grain bank contributor.  

Volunteer Now !

Our association with ‘Grain Bank Concept’ began almost from its inception. More than the quantum of grains, I am touched by the enthusiasm, honesty and sincerity. I am confident that they will reach out with grains to many NGOs as ours and will continue path breaking associations with their innate honesty and sincerity.
Dr. Bharat Vatwani, 2018 Ramon Magsaysay Award Winner
Founder Trustee, 'Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation'
शांतिवनची भूक भागवणारा Grain Bank Concept Initiative
२०११ साली उज्वलाताई शांतिवनला आली, त्यावेळी आम्ही खूप कठीण परिस्थितीत काम करीत होतो, दोन वेळच्या खाण्याचीही पंचाईत होती. हे पाहून तिने लेकरांच्या भाकरीचा प्रश्न सोडविण्यासाठी काहीतरी करायचे ठरवले. तिने स्वतःपासून सुरू केलेले हे काम आता व्यापक चळवळ झाली आहे. शांतीवनची रोजची हातातोंडाची लढाई यामुळे सोपी झाली, आता आम्हाला मोठा आधार वाटतोय, सलाम !
Mr Deepak Nagargoje
Founder Trustee, 'Shantiwan, Beed'
It was great to know about the unique concept of ‘Grain Bank Concept’. Any residential NGO has a basic need of good food for its residents. The ‘Grain Bank Concept’ which was started by like-minded housewives in Thane has been growing very fast now. The activity has spread at other places like Pune, Nashik. The group has provided an opportunity to other members of the society to contribute in social sector by encouraging them to donate food grain on a regular basis. I am extremely proud of this initiative by housewives and extend my best wishes for reaching out to many more such needy institutions.
Mr. Vishwas Gore
Chairman, 'Adhar – Special Home for Specially Abled'
"Grain Bank Concept" म्हणजे एक नावीन्यपूर्ण आणि आवश्यक चळवळ आहे. अनेक संस्थांना रोज २ वेळा गरजूंना जेवण देण्यासाठी धान्य हवे असते. हा ग्रुप ही गरज पूर्ण करते. अन्य वस्तू एकदा खरेदी केल्या तरी बराच काळ टिकतात. धान्य मात्र अगदी रोज लागतेच. अगदी मूलभूत आणि अत्यावश्यक गरज. शबरी संस्थेला कशेळी तालुका कर्जत येथील आदिवासी वसतिगृहाला गरजेचे वेळी १०५ किलो तूर डाळ, तांदूळ दिले आहेत. धन्यवाद!
Mr. Pramod Karandikar
Secretary, 'Shabari Seva Samiti, Karjat'
Centres Across Maharashtra
Women Volunteers
Grain Bank Contributors
KG's of Grains Donation Capacity