Our Activities at Events

We participate at cultural events / functions / carnivals. Our volunteers put up stall at the event giving detail information regarding the cause. We have very encouraging response from the visitors, who enthusiastically become grain bank contributors and make generous spot donations in cash / kind.

Dene Samajache

‘Dene Samajache by Veenatai Gokhale’ is a great platform for social service NGOs to showcase their work and invite donors. We  participated in their Pune Exhibition for 3 days. We had voluminous response from Pune area donors and felt greatly supported, many people came forward to become volunteers and grain bank contributors.

Om Pitaray Namah and HSSF

Event organized by Dadar Sanskrutik, Respected Sharad Upadhye sir talked about importance of Daan during Pitrupaksha. Grain Bank was invited to present our work at the event.

We participated in a spiritual fair, we were humbled by the response , love and appreciation from the visitors.
Grain bank concept was highly appreciated, many became grain bank contributors, hundreds of people did on the Spot donations and many requested to open a center on western side of Mumbai. Very encouraging experience.

Naupada Bhagini Mandal

Annual Anand Bazar organized by Naupada Thane Hindu Bhagini Mandal. We had generous response from kind residents of Thane and surrounding areas.

Vastushilpa Residency Thane
VastuShilpa Residency Thane W, Republic Day funfair January 2019. Residents of Vastushilpa supported the cause of grain bank wholeheartedly. Even the children donated from their pocket money, we were touched by the kind spirit.